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it's great to meet you!

Of all of the websites in all of the internet, you stumbled on to mine…

Or maybe someone recommended me, you watched a video or took a class. However you got here I’m glad you did.

This space is my corner of the online world where you can find out what I’m doing, how you can get involved and maybe have the odd life changing epiphany (bold statement I know).

Stay a minute so you can get the lay of the land and find what you’re looking for. That way you can spend less time online and more time doing the stuff that you want to be doing (no-one really wants to be scrolling through a website even if it is a cool one, amma right?)

Take a Look

I'm Lorna

and I show people how to live first and worry less in a world that doesn’t make it easy.


I was born in Scotland but the world’s now my home. I laugh super loud and sometimes I talk so fast it's hard to tell if I'm still breathing.

Slow is strong, busy isn’t cool and age is just a number. I’m sending a message to the world…normal, shmormal! Now, who doesn’t want to hang out with someone

who says ‘shmormal’?



Stick with me for a healthier body and stronger mind. If you happen to end up with a joyful existence and a great ass then... BONUS!


Yoga inspired movement is accessible to anyone irrespective of age, experience, fitness level and background. Bring your sassy

attitude and a commitment to yourself, I'll do the rest.

Wherever you're starting from, I've got you... Stop saying maybe, start saying yes!

I do what I do because of YOU...

Reading through this website will give you a flavour of who I am and what I do but nothing beats real people sharing stories and experiences. See what these folks have to say about Lorna Green Yoga… 

“Yoga with Lorna is a beautiful experience. I loved her gentle, but deep and profound exercises and I learned some new asanas that turned out to be particularly helpful for me. 



“Never saw myself as a 'yoga-guy' but Lorna makes it so fun and accessible I'm curious to know more after every session. My body is in the best shape of my life and so is my mind.



“My first Yin Yoga session today with Lorna and it was fabulous. She is knowledgeable, friendly, approachable and caring. Two hours flew past, it wasn't easy but it was good fun.




 just another yoga BLOG



It’s where I share the things that light me up and I hope they will you too. I talk about everything from how I roll my mat out everyday without feeling like a chore, or how I use the internet without it using me. I’ll talk about current obsessions and share behind the scenes snippets of my yoga life.

Simple Self Care Ideas For Real Life

I think most of us know on some level at least, that taking good care of yourself mind, body and soul should be as much a part of daily life as brushing your teeth. 

When Boredom Strikes - it ain’t all bad

Boredom isn’t quite as straight forward as you might think. So far psychologists have identified five different types of boredom each characterised by different symptoms

How to be more mindful in 5 steps

Do you read that and find yourself thinking “Who is they and how the heck do they have the time? I’m barely keeping my head above water some days never

You ain't never had a friend like me...

From tips and tutorials to insights and encouragement, I’ll make your inbox a place you want to go. When You also get to be the first to know when something juicy is happening – retreats, giveaways, masterclasses. You with me?

© 2023 Lorna Green Yoga. All Rights Reserved.